Monday, July 5, 2010

The first

I'm zu excited, yet my anxieties are going to kill me! :(

1st YFC Fern meeting AY 10-11

You know this has always been my fear. To stand in front of several people, speak in front of them, and most especially, lead them in the entire meeting.

I'm not afraid of what I can do. I'm just afraid of what people might say. of what people might think of me. on how they'll judge me. I may become the pinpoint of comparison between my former partner and other HPVs. I don't know, I just can't relax myself from thinking about other people's reaction. It pulls down my self-esteem.

But whatever happens later, happens! My God is the Almighty God, and whatever happens later is His will, not mine.

But please Lord, humble me, and let me unceasingly pray all throughout the meeting. I am doing this to please You, my Lord God, not to please other people. Let Your light shine upon me. I love you too, Father :*

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