Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm in awe when I read Paulina's event invitation. She is really dedicated.

Starting today, Paulina will be detached from

1. her cellphone
2. Facebook

Contact her through:

1. email: <-- THIS SHE WILL KEEP
2. Enzo Miranda's facebook account. YOU CAN MESSAGE HIM
3. personal meetings or trysts or whatever
4. secret emergency phone
5. landline

She is doing this to/for:

1. learn time management
2. focus
3. have direction in life; stop being aimless
4. stick to her word; wants to be on time
5. have more personal relationships with you; when she is there, she is there for you; she is yours 100%-- set a time and date, and she'll be there
6. growth
7. detachment; an application of the wisdom of Christ and Buddhism

How long will this go on?

For as long as her family isn't complaining about how hard it is to contact her; as she deems it necessary for academic purposes (sometimes she keeps in touch best through facebook)

It is quite impractical but this will teach her a lot. She needs this.

SEE YOU IN REAL LIFE! Hope to have a more meaningful life!

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